Sunday 7th July 2024 from 4-8pm

Launch Event: Store Opening at Podobello, Ladbroke Grove.

Pod No.4 Thorpe Close, W10 5XL.


How to Break Your Inner Chains to Experience Positive Personal Growth

How to Break Your Inner Chains to Experience Positive Personal Growth

Life is a journey of continuous learning and improvement. However, sometimes, the key to personal growth and happiness lies not in doing more, but in doing less. It's about eliminating behaviou…

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Cupping Therapy: Ancient Techniques for Modern Wellness
Posten on 18 June 2023

In their quest for holistic wellbeing, people are increasingly turning to ancient healing practises that have stood the test of time. One such practise that is gaining popularity is cupping therapy. Dating back thousands of years, cupping t…

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Unlocking the Benefits of Cooking Classes: From Skills to Health
Posted on 20 May 2023

In a bustling world where convenience often takes precedence, there is something undeniably captivating about the art of cooking. From honing culinary skills to exploring new flavours, cooking classes have gained popularity as a gateway to b…

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How Volunteering Inspired Social Enterprise – Earth Living
Posted on 24 September 2022

Find out more about how resident Nocketa used her experience of volunteering and charity work to start her own social enterprise – Earth Living.

A Catalyst resident since 2014, Nocketa wanted to help more in her community but wasn’t s…

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